Waste Management Center

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Due to Free Trade Agreement and location at USA – MEX border there is an overload of urban and toxic wastes which are very poorly managed or dumped illegaly. New position towards urban waste management encourages united El Paso – Juarez strategy and merges different types of waste management - sorting (recycling), Waste-to-Energy (WTE), reuse and education. Research proved that these functions complement one another and reduce expenses, transportation and landfilling rate. New clean and efficient technology encourages to rethink location and architect’s role while designing an industrial building that can be simultaneously attractive and engaging to public. Design consists of 4 volumes with different program (as mentioned above) and 3 functionally related dithes. This arrangement allows public to observe technical process within building while walking at safe ground level. ‘Waste Campus’ atmosphere is created and can be regarded as continuation of neighbouring university and school campus.