Impact resistance of ship hull to berthing loads: quantifying critical fender impact

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Over the last two decades, the size and capacity of (container) vessels calling port at the Port of Rotterdam have increased considerably. To moor these huge and heavy ships safely at the quay, fenders are frequently installed. The present guidelines for the “Design of Fender Systems”, which were established in 2002, are due to be updated in 2023. Part of the update of these new guidelines for the design of fenders by working group 211 of the Permanent International Commission for Navigation congresses (PIANC) consists of the verification and validation of the hull pressure criterion, taking into account the recent growth of (container) vessels. Obtaining a generic criterion is challenging due to the enormous diversity in vessel sizes and structural layouts. In addition, fender dimensions and types may also have a significant influence on the fender-induced load. This leads to the following research question: “How can critical fender-induced loads acting on the parallel side hull be quantified, accounting for the diversity of vessels and fenders?”

In this research, parallel hull sections are used in numerical simulations to investigate the allowable load of fenders and to derive the influence of panel size and dimensions (tall or wide). Including detailed parallel hull sections for a representative group of vessels, makes it possible to look beyond simplified geometries, such as stiffened panels, and specific case studies. First, the structural response and corresponding governing failure modes were studied. In addition to existing failure modes described in fender-induced loads, tripping of stiffeners as a possible governing failure mode was included. A modification to available analytical formulations was made to describe the critical tripping pressure of stiffeners with a flange under patch loads more accurately. The proposed critical tripping pressure induced by a fender is underestimated by the analytical model in comparison to the numerical simulations of the parallel sections. When the rotational restraint of the web frame attached to the tripping stiffener is considered, a closer correlation between the analytical results and the numerical simulations of the parallel hull is foreseen. For the numerical simulations, a parametric approach was adopted, where different impact locations and contact areas were applied for several vessel types and sizes. The lowest steel grade of vessels currently applied in shipbuilding was implemented to obtain the lower limit of allowable fender-induced loads.

The key finding of this study is that allowable fender-induced loads are largely influenced by the vessel's structural dimensions, such as web frame spacing, and the size of the fender panel with respect to the ship's geometry. The constant hull pressure criterion currently used by PIANC can be maintained but should be limited to a total allowable reaction force, because, for large panels, it overestimates the capacity. Furthermore, it has been shown that for large ships, wide panels outperform tall panels because they activate web frame(s). Making panels much wider does not necessarily yield more capacity because the stress concentration remains in the web frames. For small vessels, the trend is less clear, as the web frame is activated at an earlier stage (less far apart) and the capacity does not increase exponentially with the width. In addition, high panels on small vessels sometimes lead to the activation of a deck and thus increase the allowable load. The overall conclusion of this research is that the PIANC criterion should be limited to a total reaction force. Furthermore, by correctly sizing fender panels, more efficient use of the vessel's capacity can be ensured, as web frames provide more capacity. The findings of this research can be used to allow small and large vessels to safely berth onto existing facilities.