The moving and settling of plastic in the ocean

Forward and reverse time modelling of plastic particles

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The growing amount of plastic pollution in the oceans is worldwide a huge problem. There is an increasing amount of projects that try to clean up this pollution. To remove the pollution efficiently, it is useful to know how plastic litter moves, degrades and sinks. Models are being developed that can describe what happens with plastic in the ocean.

To model the behaviour of plastic in the ocean a lot of parameters need to be taken into account. The transport of plastic particles is largely determined by processes like the wind and the current but their movement also has a random character due to dispersion. Due to this random movement, the future position of a particle can be described by a probability distribution. To find that probability distribution, the Kolmogorov forward equation (or Fokker-Planck equation), in this context the same as the advection-diffusion equation, needs to be solved.

It is also possible that the plastic particles sink and settle on the bottom of the ocean. One goal of this project was to incorporate the settling of particles as an extra term into the advection-diffusion equation.

Forward models are used to predict where particles will go to. It can also be useful to have reverse time models that can describe where particles had their origin. To make reverse time models, it is necessary to solve a reverse time advection-diffusion equation. The main goal of this project was to derive and solve the reverse time advection-diffusion equation that includes the settling of particles. This is done by finding the adjoint of the Kolmogorov forward equation and the settling term.


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