Fieldwork Coastal Engineering

Varna (Bulgaria)

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For the course CT5318 a trip is made to Varna, Bulgaria, where hydraulic measurement s on the beach and the coastal structures are executed by the students. This report describes the measured data, the used methods and the technical interpretation of the results. All the data was processed in Varna and analysed once returned in the Netherlands. This coastal engineering fieldwork is organised every year with a main goal to expose student to the problems, which concern all the aspects of a field survey. The group stayed the whole week in St . Constantine, where is a village situated at t he Black Sea coast just north of Varna in Bulgaria. St . Constantine is a booming tourist place and a lot of luxurious hotels were recently built in the surrounding of the beach. Some of t hem are act ually build on the beach. To protect the beautiful beaches and keep them as wide as possible for the tourists some hydraulic structures are built. There were beach measurements executed on the beach of St .Constantine and on a beach just North of Varna. The beach of St .Constantine was also investigated last year but the beach just North of Varna was investigated for the first t ime in a fieldwork. This was done because a Dutch contractor is interested in t e possibilities for sand nourishment at this beach.


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