Design of a modular shelter for outdoor bicycle parking spots

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The Netherlands is known for its intensive use of bicycles. Bicycle mobility leaves its mark and is an important aspect in the design of public environments. This graduation project in centred around the theme of bicycle parking in public environments. The first phase of this project researches and analyses how bicycle parking is dealt with currently. Insight is gained on how bicycle parking facilities relate to their context and what problems are experience during parking. In this stage observational research and field research were used as methods. A broad questionnaire among cyclists as part of the research revealed the most valuable context and target group to design for. Limited space constraints inhabitants living in urban areas to park their bicycle outdoors. At these places the bicycles are vulnerable for theft, vandalism and weathering. This happens in a time where municipalities stimulate bicycle use as a way of sustainable transport. The design vision is formulated as such: “The design should stimulate people in urban areas to use the bicycle, by translating the positive experiences of cycling on to a bicycle shed. In this way bicycle riding and parking becomes one coherent positive experience. With the design I want to assist peoples sustainable mobility choice. The product should an added value to the public environment. After research being guided by the use of the Vision in Product design method, a phase of ideation started. Meeting with the municipality of Rotterdam that is familiar with the problem, insights in municipal incentives was gained that have influenced the projects development. After ideating two concepts were drafted that differ in appearance, modularity and in their relation to the environment. The final concept is the BBOX, a space-efficient bicycle shed that is placed on former car parking spots. The product is designed to create added value for the city landscape. The specially designed and integral bicycle rack facilitates easy parking for a large range of bicycle types. The BBOX is designed around a characteristic and functional shape that is inspired by the bicycle contour. This quality contributes to the products presence in the street. The BBOX comes in different sizes and is modular in appearance, attracting municipalities to place the product by allowing them to carry out the product in any desired way and create the best fit with the city context. The product is detailed and prepared for manufacturing of a first prototype.


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