Re-Envisioning Chandigarh

Role of urban peripheries in formation of metropolitan regions in the case of chandigarh and its surrounding region

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Constantly fluctuating global economic trends are challenging the way cities are growing and creating a new socio-spatial dynamics in India. These changes in the cities are both because; the demands of a growing nation are changing, as it enters a more stable phase of its economic and social growth and also because of India’s constantly progressive position in the global market since the 1990’s. Enforced government plans and policies are further adding different layers of conflicts as they are not able to match with the economic pressures, in addition helping create a much complex and new urban pattern in the fast growing urban peripheries of these cities. With a new set of values, and demands, aspirations where the society is looking at its counter global standards, the government policies are still curbing the growth of these urban areas and further decentralising and privatizing its resources, adding even more conflicting layers. The project tries to highlight different actors and acknowledge there interdependency in shaping these peri-urban spaces.