MSettle Version 8.2 - Embankment Design and Soil Settlement Prediction

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This is the user manual for MSetuser manual tle, which is being developed by Delft GeoSystems, a Deltares company. MSettle is a dedicated tool for predicting soil settlements by external loading. MSettle accurately and quickly determines the direct settlement, consolidation and creep along verticals in two-dimensional geometry. GeoDelft has been developing MSettle since 1992. Sponsorship from the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) and Senter/EZ (the latter through Delft Cluster projects and the GeoSafe project) has been vital for most model development and validation. Easy and efficient MSettle has proved itself to be a powerful tool in the everyday engineering practice of making settlement calculations. MSettleā€™s graphical user interface allows settlement calculations both frequent and infrequent MSettle users to analyze regular settlement problems extremely quickly. Complete functionality MSettle provides a complete functionality for determining settlements for regular two-dimensional problems. Well-established and advanced models can be used to calculate primary settlement/swelling, consolidation and secondary creep, with possible influence of vertical drains. Different kinds of external loads can be applied: non-uniform, trapezoidal, circular, rectangular, uniform and water loads. Drains (strips and planes) with optionally enforced consolidation by temporary dewatering or vacuum consolidation can be modelled. MSettle creates a comprehensive tabular and graphical output with settlements, stresses and pore pressures at the verticals that have to be defined.