Text-based Knowledge Transfer; scoping

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The first activity in task 29 was the scoping of the text-based knowledge transfer, which implied a review of target audiences and the drafting of a provisional table of contents with authors and/or links to task-final reports, size of chapters/ sections, etc. This report is the result of this activity, in tune with task 28. FLOODsite is primarily a research project, explicitly focusing on Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies. So, most findings will concern methodologies, not actual flood risks. It means FLOODsite has a message it wants to convey on concepts, approaches, methods, and general findings, and not so much on levels of hazard, vulnerability, and risk in the conterminous European States. Therefore, we propose to address the following target groups: a. the flood risk professionals (both authorities and advisors) as well as the next generation professionals (product nr. 1), b. potential next generation professionals and interested civilians/potential stakeholders (product nr. 2).