Mission Performance Assessment of a Box-Wing Aircraft

A Multiphase Optimal Control Approach Including Exploration of Unconventional Control

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It is the aim of this research to assess the mission performance of a boxwing aircraft by developing a configurationagnostic, multifidelity optimal control toolbox for performance and mission analysis. The boxwing aircraft, sometimes named a PrandtlPlane (PrP), is an unconventional aircraft. An instance with redundant controls is designed within the PARSIFAL project. This specific aircraft is designed for commercial transport in the shortrange segment (a 4000 km design range) and for a high passenger capacity (up to 308 passengers). Because of the beneficial induced drag characteristics inherent to the boxwing configuration, the PrP represents a possible solution towards the sustainable future of aviation. To investigate the potential of the PrP as an alternative to conventional commercial aircraft, the mission performance assessment of the aircraft has been split into two components. The first part of the assessment covers the comparison between the performance of the PARSIFALdesigned PrP and that of a competitor aircraft with a similar design range, the A320, while allowing only nonredundant controls. The second part of the assessment involves the quantification of the PrP’s performance when allowing redundant controls in the form of Direct Lift Control (DLC), enabling the aircraft to increase its net lift without a change in pitching moment. Analyses of the PrP and its competitor aircraft for various ranges have shown that the PrP outperforms its competitor in terms of relative fuel consumption. When flying its minimumfuel mission, the PrP’s competitor consumes less fuel in absolute terms. Nonetheless, because the PrP carries more than twice as many passengers, it consumes up to 14.5 % less fuel per passenger per kilometre. In other respects the PrP’s performance is inferior to that of its competitor. The 5400 km maximum range of the PrP is considerably lower than its competitor’s maximum range of 6200 km. Moreover, at a fueloptimal Mach number of approximately 0.7 the PrP cruises appreciably slower than the cruise Mach number for which it was designed, unlike its competitor. In general, the PrP flies its trajectories much slower than its competitor at an approximately 10 % lower average velocity in the minimumfuel missions. If both time and fuel are considered equally in the cruise altitude optimisation, the design altitude of 11 km is deemed appropriate. If only fuel consumption is considered, the PrP would benefit in fuel economy from lowering the initial cruise altitude at the cost of increased mission time. At an optimal altitude of 9.3 km, the PrP would consume 2.2 % less fuel than at its design altitude of 11 km at the cost of even slower flight. The sensitivities of the PrP’s mission time and fuel performance to changes in its design Zerofuel Mass (ZFM) have been investigated. Keeping the Maximum Takeoff Mass (MTOM) constant while varying the ZFM, design mission simulations were run for the PrP for several objective functions. It was found that when flying for minimum fuel, a 1 % increase in ZFM incurs a fuel consumption penalty of over 1 % through a nearlinear, direct proportionality. Likewise, the mission time varies nearly linearly with the ZFM; a 1 % increase results in an approximate mission time increase of nearly 0.5 %. The incremental aerodynamic lift and drag due to control surface deflections for DLC were modelled using a flatplate approximation. With this approach, the projected missionlevel benefits of using DLC are marginal. On the design mission, the results indicate an increase in fuel economy of 0.6 % on the minimumfuel mission and negligible temporal gains on the minimumtime mission. It is however emphasised that numerical uncertainties due to the discretisation of the problem pollute all obtained solutions to some degree, such that appropriate caution should be exercised when interpreting these results in an absolute sense. In future research, a grid refinement study would be a valuable addition to quantify and bound these uncertainties. It is deemed equally important to look into a more sophisticated way to model the control surface aerodynamics necessary for assessing the benefits of DLC. A broader recommendation pertains to future research on boxwing aircraft aerodynamic design. The current research has indicated that the optimal trajectories for the PrP result in very distinct flight profiles when optimising for different objectives. Therefore, it would be interesting to see how the aerodynamic design could evolve, such that flying for fuel economy wouldn’t require such a compromise in temporal performance and vice versa.