Mapping Geotechnical Risk for Infrastructural Works in Deltaic Areas

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This paper presents method and first results of a study to quantify and communicate geotechnical risk for highway construction on soft soil and large building pits associated with infrastructural works in the Netherlands. A set of easy-to-read maps will inform the end users, geotechnical consultants at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, in the early stage of projects of the most important subsoil-related geotechnical risks and their spatial distribution. The method involves risk identification, risk assessment, identification of critical geological features contributing to this risk, and development of maps reflecting the magnitude of the geotechnical risk. Geological information is derived from the detailed 3D geological model GeoTOP. GeoTOP allows quick data assessment and creation of maps on a regional to nationwide scale. Close cooperation between geologists, geotechnical engineers and end users is the key success factor in application of the method. Geotechnical consultants will use the maps to identify risks, determine early risk mitigation measures and design site-investigation schemes.