A strategy for district shopping centers in transition

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Retail is in transition. District shopping centers have a hard time. Rapid developments in technology and the increasing influence of a new generation, are fundamentally changing retail in all it’s appearances. Shopping Center Schalkwijk is one of these centers that is facing a problematic future. A lot of retail areas in the Netherlands are in a comparable situation. They should evolve from old retail to new retail. Regarding the current situation of several unpopular retail areas in the Netherlands, it can be concluded that these areas are not able to adjust to the changing retail environment. These retail areas can be seen as big, unwieldy and costly organizations that do not fit the modern society anymore. It’s not likely that new retailers or other new entrepreneurs would like to settle in these demotivating areas. Without a new impulse these centers will bleed to death. They need an energy boost. A new challenge. Supported and facilitated by the current organization, but conducted by the new generation. A strategy is designed that functions as a guidance for shopping centers in transition. By implementing this strategy, new retail concepts will arise, ideas will be fused, functions will be mixed and outdated retail concepts will disappear. A district shopping center should be a breeding ground for creativity and innovation. The new generation should have the opportunity to try out and experiment with new concepts.


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