The Dynamics of Open Science Adoption: A Choice Modelling-Based Approach

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As open science has attracted attention within the academic world, the potential for innovative ways of information sharing offers multiple benefits, such as increased opportunities for collaboration an enhanced research transparency (Forrester, 2015). However, a transition from traditional science to the realm of open science requires vast infrastructural changes, as well as a widespread adoption by researchers themselves. It has been found the latter is not intrinsically omnipresent throughout academics from various disciplines. Throughout literature, qualitative typologies comparing the drivers and inhibitors of open science are widely available. Nonetheless, quantitative, comparative research to distinguish their relative importance remains highly underrepresented in open science publications. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate and rank the barriers academics face with regard of adopting an open science perspective, whilst assessing fruitful incentives as well. In order to do so, this study will employ a choice modelling approach of quantitative nature. That is, rather than descriptive, qualitative results, this study yields the relative importance of factors relevant to open science principle adoption. Furthermore, it is expected this typology will serve as a framework for academic bodies considering the implementation of open science.
