Digitarian Food Park

A New Foodscape in Urban Context in 2100

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The these is to explore new possibility to consolidate daily living and food experience in 2100 Amsterdam. Food is one of the essential elements in daily life. We eat and consume foods everyday. However, since the industrialization and automation of the industry, food industry has become one of the most destructive system in the planet in terms of global warming and climate change. For upcoming future, there is a need for feeding ourselves with sustainable way.

It is a miracle to sustain this industry this far with destroying the planet. 35% of the land is already being used for food production and the 35% of the forest disappeared. Meanwhile, it is using 70% of fresh water which accounts for only 1% of total water in the Earth. In distribution perspective, while the agricultural product is transported, 50% of them are being thrown away. By the time costomers get an apple in the supermarket, the apple lost its antioxidant and have only sugar. Human becomes professional to destroy both the planet and their body at the same time. However, a bigger problem is that most of people are not aware of those facts and being defined by monopolized industry dyanamics.

The fact is that we need more food will not be changed but It is not feasible anymore to develop agriculture industry horizontally. It is important to use new agricultural science technologies more and more. Vertical farming, Controlled Environment Technology and Cellular Agriculture. These technologies use less space and can be stacked so it is durable to be located in urban contexts where more than 70% of people will live in. Using these new technologies, architecture can provide more transparent and active place in urban area. In the place, people will experience most advanced and sustainable food experience. Furthermore, the building itself will be able to encourage public health with balanced nutrition recommendation.