Impact of a Heated Wall on the Laminar-to-Turbulent Transition of Crossflow Vortices

an Experimental Study

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One of the most critical technological challenges embedded in the electrification of future aircraft revolves around the thermal management of batteries and fuel cells. An innovative idea involves using the aircraft’s aerodynamic surfaces to dissipate the extra heat, thereby reducing the impact that traditional thermal management systems (e.g. ram air heat exchanger) have on the overall aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft. However, the limited experimental research addressing the influence of a heated surface on the stability and transition of the crossflow instability (CFI) hinders the assessment of the aerodynamic impact of this technology for future aircraft, where swept wings are ubiquitous. Thus, the objective of this work is to experimentally study the effect of a heated wall on the stability and final breakdown of CF vortices. To do so, experiments are conducted on a 45◦ swept flat plate wind tunnel model, where the surface temperature is increased by means of a surface-embedded electrical heater, yielding a mean wall-temperature ratio of T
= 1.055. Overall, the experimental (i.e. HWA) and numerical (i.e. CLST) results show that wall heating leads to significant destabilization of the stationary CFI. Interestingly, a spectral analysis of the HWA signal reveals substantial amplification of the traveling CF mode under wall-heating conditions, which in turn appears significantly more destabilized than the stationary CF mode. Additionally, inspection of the high-frequency content in the HWA measurements indicates premature breakdown of the CF vortices and advancement of the laminar-turbulent transition by Δ
x = 6.3% with wall heating. The results presented in this work render a first insight into the impact of a non-adiabatic wall on the development of the crossflow instability and subsequent breakdown to turbulence.