Insufficient integration between sectors hinders reaching WFD objectives in The Netherlands

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The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC; WFD) requires an integrated approach to water management. In the Netherlands three ministries, all the provinces, waterboards and municipalities have been appointed ‘competent authority’ for the WFD. In theory, this would ensure an integrated, cross-sectoral approach. In practice, however, the water sector appears to be most responsible for the implementation of the WFD. The water management organisations (DG Water, water-boards and RWS) have had the initiative during the planning process. Cooperation between the three ministries involved (Public Works, Transport and Water Management (V&W), Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) for implementing WFD was limited. Land-use policies, manure policies and other related policies have not been under discussion in the WFD planning process, though the major challenges for the implementation of the WFD in the Netherlands are the hydro-morphological situation of the water bodies and eutrophication. Many measures to improve these two aspects require cross-sectoral cooperation. However, with some exceptions the measures decided upon were only in the water management sector. The lack of integration of the sectoral policies will hinder reaching the WFD objectives.