A Research on the Transformation of Urban Form And Dynamics of Xiguan Area, Guangzhou

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This paper mainly uses the method of Urban Morphology to study the transformation process of urban form of Xiguan historical district in Guangzhou, P.R.China. The paper tries to analyze the transformation process through studying the background of politics, economy, society, culture and natural condition of Xiguan area. It further discusses the structural feature and transformation rule, as well as analyzes the hidden dynamics. Considering time as the main factor, the paper mainly focuses on two aspects—form elements and dynamics, trying to study the relation between each other. The paper aims at concluding the overall transformation feature and rule of Xiguan area and bringing up some perspectives on the protection and continuity of traditional urban fabric and culture in the process of urban renewal. The body of this paper is organized through tracing the transformation of urban form in different periods of time. First, to study the foundation of form transformation through demonstrating the construction background of Xiguan area before Qing Dynasty; Second, to discuss separately the form feature of Qing Dynasty, the period of the Republic of China and the period after the foundation of New China. The form feature is mainly analyzed in several aspects as the street feature, property plot, building type, land use and street space; Finally, to summarize the transformation rule on the basis of overall analysis of transformation feature of Xiguan area, and then to conclude the main dynamics of form transformation, as well as to discuss the practical significance for the protection of Xiguan historical district and urban renewal.
