The contribution of gaming simulation to market model design

A gaming simulation case study to the preferred market model for the charging infrastructure for electric transport in the Netherlands

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The charging of electric vehicles is a new market that is emerging, partially from existing markets. The emergence of such new markets requires the definition of new roles and responsibilities. Such a ‘market model’ describes the market roles (e.g. owner, operator etc) in terms of responsibilities and interactions between roles (processes). However, the development of an abstract market model for a future market is complicated since the dynamics of future markets are difficult to imagine, let alone understand. The use of simulation games is a proven method to deal with such complexities but is never applied on market model design. Here we report the complexity of and challenges to market model design based on expert interviews. Second, the novel E-CITY 2020 simulation game was developed to examine the contribution of gaming simulation to market model design for Dutch energy related markets. The game simulates a preferred market model for the charging infrastructure in a fictive city in 2020. E-CITY 2020 resulted in an increased insight in the dynamics and interactions in a new market from different perspectives (operator, customer, etc) for both designers and participants of the intervention. Second, we found that a gaming simulation creates a shared understanding of the future market model. Finally, we identified requirements for success for implementing the market model. In conclusion we find that simulation games are an effective tool to overcome complexities in market model development. Also recommendations for developing gaming simulations for market models are made.