How do SME’s use Business Model Stress Testing?

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How do Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, familiar and unfamiliar with Business Model Tooling, and different lifecycle stages, use Business Model Stress Testing in order to be more agile in responding market dynamics? In the continuously changing world, where Dynamic Markets demand Agile organisations that can cope with Disrupting Innovations, the European Union attempts to prepare Small and Medium sized Enterprises. The funded Envision platform aims to increase economic performance and innovativeness of organisations that are Familiar and Unfamiliar with Business Models, and in different Life Cycle stages, by using Business Model Innovation. In order to prepare Small and Medium sized Enterprises for the continuously changing world, the Business Model Stress Test could prepare the different types of users, by testing the Robustness of their Business Model. Improving the usability of Business Model Tools, i.e. Stress Testing, for the online platform of Envision, and thereby closing the discrepancy between users and tools, is essential when all type of users should be able to use Business Model Tools on the Envision platform.