Delft3D-FLOW Model of the Yangon Port Area

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Large sedimentation is observed in the Yangon port area in Myanmar and this sediment is blocking the entrance channel into the port. The entrance channel is dredged intensively to keep it navigable but insight into the sedimentation processes is limited. The sedimented area rises above the water level in dry season and is known as the Inner Bar. In this research the Delft3D modelling suite is used to reproduce the erosion and sedimentation patterns around the Inner Bar with a 2D depth averaged hydrodynamic model. Calibration of the model with measured water levels shows an underestimation of low water levels in the dry season. The model shows small sensitivity to the river discharge values and relatively large sensitivity to bed roughness. The model results do not clearly show a sedimentation pattern in the area according to bed shear stress results. This hydrodynamic model provides however a starting point for further numerical study into sedimentation in the Yangon area.