The potential integration of alternative energy sources in charging plazas for electric construction equipment

An in-depth analysis of the impact of alternative energy solutions on charging plazas for electric construction equipment

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With the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, 195 countries pledged to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases, as well as to adapt to impacts of climate change. ProRail has set an objective to have emission-free construction sites by 2030, which resulted in the ambition of contractors make a transition to electric construction equipment. In order to make this happen, charging plazas have to be realized to charge the batteries of construction equipment.
However, the increase of renewable energy sources and the rise of electrification cannot always be processed properly by the electricity grid. This is referred to as grid congestion. Options that can relieve the electricity grid and provide construction projects with their electricity demand on time are called alternative energy solutions. These solutions are a rising concept with many promissory benefits. Examples are battery storage, wind energy and solar energy.

In this research project, the impact of alternative energy solutions on charging plazas for construction equipment is investigated. It is determined whether alternative energy solutions are able to fulfill in charging demand of different charging plaza scenarios.