Quantum transport in semiconductor nanowires

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This thesis describes a series of experiments aimed at understanding the low-temperature electrical transport properties of semiconductor nanowires. The semiconductor nanowires (1-100 nm in diameter) are grown from nanoscale gold particles via a chemical process called vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth. The huge versatility of this material system (e.g. in size and materials) results in a wide range of potential applications in (opto-)electronics. During the last few years many important proofs of concept have already been provided like lasers, field-effect transistors, light emitting diodes, and biochemical sensors. Simultaneously, the versatility of semiconductor nanowires creates new opportunities for the study of quantum transport phenomena. The quantum mechanical properties of semiconductor nanowires become visible at low temperatures (below a few Kelvin) and can be very different from room-temperature transport properties. For instance, the confinement of electrons in a small nanowire segment results in a discrete electronic energy spectrum forming a quantum dot, or artificial atom.