Flood and Coastal Defence Project Appraisal Guidance

Environmental Appraisal FCDPAG5

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Guidance on scheme appraisal, legal requirements and good practice 2.1 Scheme appraisal 2.1.1 General approach 2.1.2 Environmental duties of operating authorities 2.1.3 Powers of direction and supervision 2.1.4 Identifying the preferred option 2.1.5 Detailed design considerations 2.2 Environmental appraisal and assessment 2.2.1 Initial considerations 2.2.2 Undertaking environmental appraisal/Environmental lmpact Assessment 2.2.3 Relationship with other studies 2.3 Nature conservation designations 2.4 Sustainability 2.5 Biodiversity biodiversity 2.5.1 Biodiversity Action Plans 2.5.2 Schemedesign and biodiversity 16 2.5.3 Managed realignment 2.5.4 Rivers 2.6 Historie environment 2.6.1 Designations 2.6.2 Appraisal of historie environment 2.7 Landscape 2.8 Earth heritage 2.9 Monitoring and post-project evaluation 2.9.1 Recordinglossesand gains of habitats 3. Environmental valuation 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Valuing nature conservation assets 3.3 Water Level Management Plans 3.4 Valuing archaeological and heritage assets 3.5 Landscape 4. Determining Habitat Replacement Costs 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Elements of Habitat Replacement Cost estimates 4.2.1 Setting objectives 4.2.2 Land acquisition 4.2.3 Planning,assessmentand design 4.2.4 Implementation 4.2.5 Monitoring 4.2.6 Additional costs 5. Schemes involving SPAs, SACs and Ramsar sites 5.1 Background 5.2 Implications for scheme design Flood and Coastal Defence Project Appraisal Guidance: Environmental Appraisal v Contents 5.2.1 Responsibilities 5.2.2 Procedurefor schemesaffecting a Europeansite 5.2.3 CoastalHabitat ManagementPlans 5.2.4 Emergencyworks 6. Worked examples
