Foyer - mediation of particles in Skopje

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Skopje – became city of solidarity after 6.1 momentum magnitude earthquake in 1963. Unprecedented situation allowed for tabula rasa of planning a future city to emerge. Metabolist masterplan for city central area proposed by Japanese team leaded by Kenzo Tange, allowed for a brutalist architecture to present itself as part of new city. Controversial plan of rebuilding the city was announced in 2010.This project was highly criticised by the professional community for its “new classicism” style and many monuments scattered around the center area without any logic to its location, creating clash between architectures. The project investigates the potential of how implementation of in between space would allow for existing architectures to coexist without overwhelming it. By using principles of traditional Macedonian housing, metabolism architecture and contemporary building techniques project aims to create a threshold where appropriation and dialog would emerge.