Design of a social context aware communication application

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What could be the potential of integrating social networking & intelligent services that analyse user activity in communication products? Alcatel- Lucent would like to have a concept of the user experience on different products that demonstrates the possible benefits of this marriage. The personal information and interpersonal relationships could offer opportunities to discover and identify usefull people. By providing extra contextual background on people or incoming communication sessions, it can be made easier for the user to handle communication tasks. The application should help the professional in the initiation of communication. The application should be supportive, directly benefit the user in his work and not disturb him in his current activities. It should be simple to use. With this in mind, different ideas were generated and developed into three concepts. The result are three concept applications, a contactlist that suggest contacts based on the current context of the user, initiating calls less obtrusive by sending a message first and a social reminder application that help remind the users of certain information before an interaction takes place. A small usertest was performed and in the final phase, elements from the three concepts are combined in a smartphone application and presented in a scenario.


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