Beauty in the greenhouse landscape of the Westland

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The greenhouse landscape is one of the newest landscapes in the Netherlands. Due to the fact that the landscape exists out of build-up greenhouses, the landscape is criticized of its lacking of aesthetics, green and overview/orientation. Despite this critique, the landscape is valued as well for its technological level, its big scale and its rational spatial character but still divers character. This thesis will focus on reshaping the greenhouse landscape in such a way, that the landscape can be valued easier and by more people. This thesis aims for creating beauty in the Westland by creating a clash between the idyllic romanticism landscapes on the one side and by creating a high-tech futuristic world on the other. The Thesis will begin with the theoretical chapters. The analysis is split up in an historical analysis and an analysis about how we perceive the greenhouse landscape in the current situation. Three scenarios will be used to generate design ideas. In the last chapter a final design will be presented.