A Seismic Transmission System for Continuous Monitoring of the Lithosphere

A Proposition

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The main objective of this thesis is to enhance earthquake prediction feasibility. We present the concept and the design layout of a novel seismic transmission system capable of continuously monitoring the Lithosphere for changes in Earth physics parameters governing seismic wave propagation. New-technology seismic vibrator sources (magnetic levitation vibrator, linear synchronous motor vibrator) transmit, in continuously repeatable fashion, mutually uncorrelated, low-frequency signals simultaneously from different source locations, over regional distances. The signals are retrieved at seismic stations by long-term (weeks, months) coherent stacking and correlation (matched filtering) with the emitted signal code. Any Earth parameter changes along a propagation path, potentially representing earthquake preparation activity, will show up as time-lapse changes in the received signals. We model spatial static stress variation, attenuation, and anisotropy as medium-contrast-source perturbations in an isotropic, inhomogeneous medium. The potential earthquake preparation zone (EPZ) is to be mapped and characterized by means of ray-tracing and contrast-source inversion methods. Successful EPZ-evolution imaging should contribute to our understanding of earthquake processes, and may yield earthquake precursor statistics for issuing realistic earthquake warnings based on a tolerable false-alarm rate. In addition, the system may be used in general seismic tomography, and in reservoir parameter monitoring for gas, oil, and water resource management.