Design Methods for Young Sustainable Architecture Practice

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This paper introduces landscape aesthetics as an innovative design method for sustainable architecture. It is based on the framework of a recent paper where the young and unfamous authors criticized three of the most prominent? architects today in regard to sustainable architecture and its aesthetics. Leading architects expressed their skepticism as to whether there is such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture, or for that matter, if architecture can indeed be sustainable at all. ?Against such a setting, DGJ will illustrate what we believe to be the landscape perspective’s inherent relationship to the natural environment, the principles behind it as well as the potentials that these landscape perspective holds for sustainable design. After first discussing the kind of professional and political impetuses that have made sustainability one of the most compelling changes to face the profession of architecture, we argue that the mandate for a sustainable environment did not come about by choice of the architects and planners, but rather, that sustainability is imposed on the profession by the necessary, external forces that influence it. To bridge the existing gaps ?between current practice and sustainability, we will trace some thoughts and principles of landscapes? and territories. Our approach views the landscape as a human interface with nature, as a basis for the design of sustainable architecture and a new context for sustainable aesthetics. It will be illustrated with practical work samples from a small but globally operating practice DGJ Architects & Landscapes. They will demonstrate how sustainable design happens in practice, throughout its evolutionary process, with some of our recent projects.