Wavelet-based evolutionary response of multi-span structures including wave-passage and site-response effects

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Stochastic seismic wavelet-based evolutionary response of multispan structures including wave-passage and site-response effects is formulated in this paper. A procedure to estimate site-compatible parameters of surface-to-bedrock frequency response function (FRF) by using finite-element analysis of the supporting soil medium is proposed. The earthquake energy content is represented by a composite power spectrum density function contributed by the surface-to-bedrock FRF and bedrock power spectra. A long span multisupport structure is subjected to spatially varying differential support motions where the spatial-variability is represented by bedrock parametric coherency models and time-lags. In addition to the time-lags from wave-passage effects, the site-response effects from different soil conditions at the supports are characterized by frequency-dependent time-lags. In an illustrative case study, a three-span, two-dimensional hangar frame is analyzed using the proposed formulations. The time-lags resulting from site-response effects and computed by different FRFs show different variation in trends and frequency content. The site-response effect is found to introduce additional frequency nonstationarity and leads to an increase in the frame responses but with slower attenuation in time.
