Potential Use of LADM in Cadastral Data Management in India

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A Land Administration System (LAS), with its cadastral component, is the infrastructure that facilitates the implementation of land policies to attain sustainable development. The availability of a digital, up-to-date, complete and easy accessible cadastral database has become a primary requisite for undertaking an efficient land administration and/or developmental planning decisions for any country. This paper highlights the possible advantages of having a digital cadastral database over the traditional paper-based cadastral systems, and how such digital cadastral maps with acceptable accuracy levels can be used for operationalising the concept of the Land Administrative Domain Model (ISO 19152) in an Indian perspective. In this direction, we have demonstrated a method of preparing a seamless digital cadastral database using GIS and image interpretation techniques for a sufficiently large area of about 326 sq. km. Geo-Eye1 merged data was used for this purpose in combination with paperbased cadastral maps and limited on-site surveys. This approach can be considered as an (temporal) alternative to a complete cadastral re-survey. A cadastral resurvey is expected to be a time consuming and costly approach where there is an urgent need for cadastral data with reasonable quality urgently. This paper presents the results of a first step of a broad approach to reconstruct colonial cadastral maps and related registers with land records for various purposes, amongst others, spatial planning one of the important aspects which is based on a reliable overview of peopleland relationships. The paper will then develop the LADM based options on: 1. How to convert and link the existing (colonial) maps and records to prepare a digital database based on the LADM standard? 2. How to document and publish the geometric quality of the existing maps? 3. How to make the existing maps and records up to date (in the digital LAS)? 4. How to integrate the more accurate data after the re-survey?


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