The family transport bike Bixi

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This report contains the graduation project of Linde Heijmerink. The graduation project is the last Master project at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft whereby the Master of Integrated Product Design will be completed. With the achievement of this project the title “Master of Science” will be acquired. This Graduation project is conducted in collaborations with Accell Nederland, Batavus based in Heerenveen, The Netherlands. This report handles four phases. First of all the analysis phase where the company, the market and the consumers are analyzed. Secondly the conceptualization phase where three brainstorm sessions where conducted, twelve ideas where generated and three concepts were developed. The third phase is the embodiment phase where the chosen concept is elaborated into the final design. The last phase is the validation phase where a prototype was built to test the end result with the target group. The result of this project is a bicycle which makes it able to transport an adult with three children and baggage (Figure 1). With this design, Batavus is able to compete with existing mom-bikes and the cargo market.


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