Plant of plants - Making green space multifunctional in urban and landscape areas of Amsterdam Noord

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This paper is a Master thesis that investigates the potentials of spatial design in the battle against accelerated climate change. As such, it aims to solve related global issues (deterioration of resources, overconsumption, wasteful consumption) with tools that are in strong physical, functional or habitual connections with their natural and built environment. Urban metabolism is examined on the block level. It explores how can globally relevant measurements be taken in the neighborhood, where inhabitants pursue their everyday activities. The reason vegetation was chosen as the tool for a sustainable future is due to its diverse, multifunctional and flexible nature. The final product of the thesis proposes a design that can offer benefits to Amsterdam Noord environmentally and socially. It is organized and programmed in a manner that improves the willingness and knowledge of its inhabitants regarding pro-environmental behavior. By making the methodology universally applicable, it aims to lower the human influences on climate change. The design transitions from a top-down initiative, an investment to a bottom-up activity, a return for the investment. The design set out by the first two steps only intends to set the boundaries, present the choices, provide the know-how, answer the ‘what’s in it for me’ and reduce maintenance costs of an evolving park network that the inhabitants can call their own.