Solar Sail Periodic Orbits using Taylor Series Integration

Computation and applications of solar sail periodic orbit families in the Earth-Moon and binary asteroid systems

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Solar sailing is an innovative space propulsion system based solely on the exchange of momentum between a reflective surface and the photons radiated as light from the Sun. It is completely propellant-free, so the maximum propulsion time is only limited by the lifetime of the sail. But not only does solar sailing provide unlimited propulsion, it is also able to provide it continuously. These two factors make solar sailing an unparalleled propulsion system, which enables countless possibilities for ground-breaking missions.

This document is submitted as the final thesis of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. The selected topic is the study of solar sail periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon and binary asteroid systems. The main objective of the thesis is to extend the knowledge of the solar sailing dynamics in the Earth-Moon system and to provide new knowledge of the dynamics of a solar sail at binary asteroids. Moreover, an innovative integration technique will be used (called Taylor series integration), proving its efficiency and its applicability to the problems under consideration.