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Sustainability is a key issue for Sappi Ltd. and much is communicated via the sustainability report which is issued yearly. The mission, vision, strategy and targets are defined for a 5 year time frame. Although the audience of the report is not limited to external, the report has little attention within the mills. Mission, vision, strategy and targets are unknown in the mills, at the same time the mills contribute heavily to realizing the target. The mills have the biggest role in the performance on sustainability, but suffer knowledge about their responsibilities. The main research question is therefore defined as: ‘How can Sappi Nijmegen integrate sustainability is the daily operation of the mill?’ The research consists of theoretical research and desk research. The theoretical research is used for examples of good practices amongst companies regarding sustainability. The desk research is used to establish the shortcomings and plus points of Sappi Nijmegen on sustainability. The findings of the theoretical research and the findings of the desk research together, are used to choose a method for further elaboration. The interviews support the chosen method. The theoretical research learned that companies that have implemented sustainability successfully are using management systems. The desk research showed the shortcomings in the current situation of Sappi Nijmegen. These shortcomings and plus points are used to select a management system for further elaboration at Sappi Nijmegen. The Performance Management System (PMS) framework has been selected to help extending the current available systems towards a system including sustainability. This resulted in a draft solution. The interviews support the fine tuning of the draft solution and made the solution suitable for implementation.


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