Freedom VIC for Urban VIC Team

Village in the City transformation in Shenzhen, China

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This graduate project is called “Freedom VIC for Urban VIC Team”, which is dealing with the Village in the City (VIC) transformation in Shenzhen China, focusing on the transformation of VIC (the “ghetto” area), in Shenzhen’s current society. This project derives from the current situation that there are 251 VICs in the inner city of Shenzhen, and those areas are always be regarded as a negative place, “ghetto” place from official perspective. As a result, government always make “Top-down” transformation in VIC area which aims to improve the physical qualities in VIC but erase all the values of VIC. Therefore, the project is aiming to find out better approach for VIC transformation by finding both the negative and positive values of VIC from social, physical and cultural aspects.