Crescent Alpha

A Future Vision for Personal Mobile Communication

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The rapid rise of our smart devices has enabled modern society to reach amazing levels of productivity in our lives. While the Graphical User Interface (GUI) utilised by these devices has played a substantial role, it has nevertheless caused the economy to be dependant on our attention, given rise to the multitasking paradox and has shown substantial decrease in our ability to empathize and converse. Fortunately, there are multiple drivers indicating that it is now time to integrate our physical and digital lives in a more mutually beneficial way. This report is a research and development project which is meant to explore these technological and societal drivers and formulate a 2025 future vision where borders between digital and physical become virtually invisible. The report will continue to show how a simple product, the Crescent Alpha, could mark the first step towards a healthier future. One where we have a healthier relationship with our digital devices and solve the need for connection in our fast paced and asynchronous world. The vision behind Crescent is to develop an omnipresent personal interface that enables us to interact with our digital space in a natural way. This vision is then embodied through rapid prototyping and several interactions with users. This iterative process made it possible to go from a solution on paper to a physical well founded basic concept. The result is a social wearable camera that can truly capture and share immersive moments called The Crescent Alpha.


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