Improving the performance of the turnaround process using value operations methodology

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One of the daily operations that a civil airplane goes through is the turnaround of ground handling process or what commonly known as the turnaround process. By improving the performance of the turnaround process, there would be multiple benefits for the airlines and the airports, costs can be saved and more profit can be created due to higher useability of the aircraft. Also the punctuality of the airlines and the airports can be enhanced by decreasing the amount of delays caused by the turnaround process. According to Kenya Airways (KQ), in 2010-2011 the turnaround process is the second largest contributer to delays after network connectivity which accounts for about 28% of their total delays. This proves how significant the performance of the turnaround process might be to the airlines as well as to the airports. Most available literatures on the turnaround process focused on reducing the turnaround time, or improving its punctuality. The novelty of this MSc research is to determine a strategy that improves the performance of the turnaround process based on all its value drivers from the perspective of stakeholders. This has led to the formulation of the research question which is stated as follows: “How can a change in value be measured for relevant stakeholders within turnaround process when evaluating new ideas in improving its performance?” The methodology implemented in approaching this research and ultimately, answering the research question, is to develop a value model of the turnaround process based on value-focused thinking, specifically, value operations methodlogy (VOM). With this value model, the alternative strategies aiming at improving the performance of the turnaround process can be evaluated with respect to the current strategy. Eventually, the strategy that adds as much value for the relevant stakeholders can be determined. The turnarounds performed by KQ at Jomo Kenyatta International airport (JKIA) of Boeing 737-300 from January till June 2012, are used as practical case study in this research. From the results obtained from the calculations, It is recommended to implement lean production system within passengers boarding and disembark and to implement theory of constraints within catering and aircraft cabin cleaning.