Resilience in Information Centric Networks and the Analogy with Human Collaborative Networks

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In this thesis, we look into two different researches with the same basis; information centric networking. Enhanced resilience is one of the often mentioned advantages of this paradigm shift in internet networks. However, this resilience is not quantified in literature so far. In this thesis the information resilience of hierarchical ICN topologies is analytically approached, allowing us to quantify the enhanced information resilience. Furthermore, understanding information sharing in human collaborative networks is shown to be very complex. The caching mechanisms in ICN are very suitable for building up an analogy with human collaborative networks, to increase the understanding of information sharing in human collaborative networks. We build up the analogy, and investigate the notion of resilience in a human collaborative network through 3 consecutive experiments. The aim of this part of the research is to enhance insights in human collaborative networks from a cybernatic point of view...