Using Electric Vehicles to Store Solar Energy: The Spatial Distribution Problem

A quantitative analysis on the effects of the spatial distribution of solar panels and electric vehicles on the cost-effectiveness of the Vehicle-2-Home concept.

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Vehicle-2-Home (V2H) is a concept in which an electric vehicle (EV) is able to charge and discharge its battery pack to the building it is connected to. This concept enables EVs to store surplus solar energy, which is produced during the daytime and return in to buildings during the night time. For this system to work (cost) efficiently, the EVs location during the day must match the location of surplus solar energy. Also, at night, the EVs must discharge this electricity evenly over an area to reduce the strain on the electricity distribution grid. This thesis has analysed whether there exists a match between the spatial distribution of solar panels and EVs in the Amsterdam region under growth scenarios until 2040.