The effect of impact damage on the tension-compression fatigue properties of sandwich panels with face sheets of carbon epoxy

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An experimental investigation was performed to examine the effect of low energy impact damage on tension-compression fatigue properties of sandwich panels. The specimens consisted of a 9 mm thick Nomex honeycomb and face sheets of (0,± 45) and (± 45,0) Carbon/epoxy. Drop weight impact was applied to create internal laminate damage. In order to select an appropriate impact energy an impact investigation preceded the fatigue tests. For the fatigue specimens an impact energy was chosen which resulted in a barely visible damage. Constant amplitude fatigue tests were carried out at a stress ratio of R = -1 to determine the fatigue strength of impacted specimens. Damage propagation from the location of impact consisted of a combination of interlaminar delamination, fibre breakage and debonding of the laminate from the honeycomb.


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