WebLab project

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WebLab is an online academic tool used to improve education by providing a framework for teachers to supply a higher quantity and quality of assignments to students. Currently this system is being used in a variety of courses including the Concepts of Programming Languages course taught to bachelor students at the Delft University of Technology. As a tool is used more and more functionality must be added in order to meet the ever increasing demands. The goal of this project is just that, expand on the current system to provide support for a new set of features. Specifically two new courses want to start using WebLab. MySQL support is added to support the database part of the Web & Database Technology course so students can execute queries and test their code against the correct queries without seeing those queries. Java support is added to provide extra practice material for the Object-oriented Programming in Java course; students who are new to programming have a chance to practice with the material at their own pace without having to install a myriad of software packages. Aside from these main features other features including group support and random assignment collections are also included in this project. Finally, as with any other software engineering project we include our requirements analysis, system analysis, project process, and take an in depth look at the testing of such a diverse and complex system.
