Gap Analysis for Energy Network Design

A Socio Technical Perspective

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Energy network infrastructures form an integral part of continuous, stable and uninterrupted energy supply and transmission. These structures are complex and mostly consist of wired or pipeline networks. Some examples of these networked infrastructures can be oil and natural gas lines, electricity (grids), heat pipelines, biogas and green gas lines, Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions capture and distribution etc. These energy infrastructures primarily transport energy from their entries (sources) to exits (sinks). Modern industrialized societies perception of demand for energy is seeing a dynamic change. When energy transport distribution using existing networks becomes insufficient, then topology extensions come into play or the need for new infrastructures is demanded. The big question for the network planners is to identify the positions where these extensions are to be placed, keeping the total extension costs to the minimum. Moreover, in case of rolling out new networks in areas where population density is high and with their associated technical complexity, demand for proper planning techniques to design the network layouts is increasing. On the other hand, many scientific researchers have proposed different types of network optimization algorithms for routing in energy network planning from a system perspective. Models have been developed to simulate the networked infrastructures using several optimization techniques to provide cost efficient networks. Although these scientific models are proposed, either they are not well known or they are too complex for the network planners to use them in decision making for real world cases. These concerns led to the motivation of this research. In simple terms, there is a need to bridge the gap between the scientific knowledge and practical decision making for designing efficient energy networks. The research question for analyzing this situation is formulated as, “In what ways can the scientific approaches for energy network design be enhanced to ensure their usability among decision makers?” To answer the research question, the energy network of biogas and upgraded biogas (greengas) in Netherlands was chosen for this study. The first phase started with an empirical study of the biogas energy network from a Socio-Technical (ST) perspective. This perspective was chosen to understand the network characteristics of the supply chain of biogas production and distribution. Literature study and interviews with experts were conducted to understand the technical aspects, the key stakeholders involved in the network planning and the institutional directives that drive the network design. From the ST study the main factors that can influence the network design, their inter-relations and the interests of the stakeholders were clearly identified. After gaining a system perspective of the biogas/ green gas network the various scientific approaches proposing different optimization techniques for network planning were studied closely. The advantages, limitations and the assumptions of these techniques were carefully studied to understand why they are not used for real world cases so far. After the empirical study, in the conceptualization phase, the factors needed for network design from the ST perspective were base-lined keeping in mind the various stakeholder interests, especially the needs of the network planners. Based on this understanding a design approach was proposed to adapt existing scientific models with the factors obtained from the ST study. In the synthesis phase, the base-lined user requirements of decision makers and the working principles of the adapted algorithms, were combined and a user friendly interface design was proposed. This User Interface (UI) aids decision making for network planners and can be regarded as a Decision Support System (DSS). The DSS is proposed as a software application in the form of use cases, sequence diagram and screen layouts. The DSS incorporates the actual requirements of the decision makers and combines it with the adapted scientific approaches of network planning and optimization, bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and practical decision making. Research Findings and Recommendations The heterogeneity of different energy networks, network characteristics and the different actors involved makes the notion of decision making as “one size fits all” less suitable. The different technical components, energy characteristics and the network equipment are specific to each energy network and they need to be separately considered while planning a network design. The empirical study of the socio technical analysis for biogas energy networks and the study of the scientific optimization methods, have been successful in drafting the characteristics of biogas networks which are important for network planning. A pipeline transporting gas over long distance has larger diameter and has compressor stations spread in the area to maintain the operating pressure of the gas in the pipeline. The article 12b of the Dutch Gas Act governs the rules for gas transmission and distribution in NL. The network facilitators are obliged to connect the gas producers to the grid if they meet the gas quality and grid specifications. In climate sensitive areas, the demand for gas can be low in summer and can be very high in winter. Gas storage's and flexible production units are introduced to balance the demand of gas against supply depending on the specific region and the operating pressure of the pipeline. The desired specifications of these technical components may influence the building costs of network design and have to be considered while designing solutions for network optimization. The non-overlapping factors from the ST study like the passive pipe profile and the active controllable components like compressor station, valves etc. need to be considered by researchers while creating scientific models. A design approach is proposed to enhance the functionality of the existing models through newer cost equations and decision making logic. The sociological study concludes that the main stakeholders display network characteristics of variety, inter dependencies and closeness. All of them share different goals and interests and want to maximize their interest. Using the scientific models directly is still very complex for them. Thus, there is a need for increased collaboration among different stakeholders and a transparent system where all of them can come together and make decisions in the interest of all. The proposed decision support system combines the realistic requirements of the decision makers, simulates a real environment of an energy network and also inherits the benefits of the adapted scientific approaches. Although this is not the scope of this research, mentioning it will boost biogas production in NL. From a policy perspective, Government needs to increase the depreciation period of subsidies for biogas production and also regulate the biogas market. This move can ensure more production and also safety and reliability of the grid. Stakeholder collaboration is also seen as an important aspect and there is a need for conducting Constructive Technology Assessment of biogas through scenario workshops. These moves will bring the different stakeholders together, reduce uncertainty and decisions can be taken in the interest of all.