A high-efficiency switch-mode amplitude modulator for class E power amplifiers in nano-satellites

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This thesis describes the design, simulation and implementation of a supply modulator to be used in a VHF power amplifier on the Delfi-n3Xt nano-satellite. First, a set of specifications is defined that describe the required functionality. These are derived from earlier work on related systems and confirmed through discussions within the project team. Secondly, a design strategy is developed that allows a structured and logical way of transforming the specifications to a working circuit. It is shown that power efficiency and distortion performance can be optimized separately and independently. Several novel solutions are found to optimize efficiency and reduce distortion. The entire schematic is simulated and found to agree with calculations. Variations in supply voltage and temperature are taken into account, along with manufacturing spread in all components. Finally, a complete IC layout is produced that is ready for manufacturing.
