A Community Perspective on Smart Grid Projects

Preselecting community-oriented smart grid project sites within Dutch neighborhoods for end-user flexible behavior potential

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Within several testing grounds in The Netherlands, Decentralized System Operators (DSOs) test a variety of smart grid solutions in order to anticipate on expected peak load increase; Most future energy system scenarios point out issues related to the functioning of the grid. Examples are blackout risks and large voltage fluctuations, which occur due to peak load as a result of rising electricity peak demand (for example because of electric vehicles) as well as decentralized electricity generation. The classic solution for the DSO to handle peak load are grid reinforcements which are costly and do not support the uptake of sustainable energy technology. In effect, the DSOs assess the suitability of alternative, possibly cheaper and more sustainable solutions for the future energy system. One measure is to mitigate peak load by incentivizing time-flexible electricity consumption. Through stimuli triggering a behavioral reaction, the DSO wishes to make residents adaptive end-users. Within previous pilot projects, DSOs predominantly assessed the effectiveness of stimuli related to electricity pricing schemes and real-time consumption information on end-user flexibility behavior.....