Negative Skin Friction

Design challenges in Singapore

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Singapore is an island city-state in the South-East region of Asia. With an area of approximately 700 km2 and about 5.0 million inhabitants, Singapore is relatively small and densely populated. To be able to expand economic activities, Singapore has on-going land reclamation projects. The reclaimed land is used for the construction of new infrastructure like harbours and roads and construction of new office buildings. The fill used to reclaim the land is laid on top of a thick soft layer of marine clay. The load of the fill will cause consolidation of the compressible soft soil layers. Structures constructed in the reclaimed land or in the vicinity will therefore be prone to negative skin friction. Reason for the research is are discussions between Delta Marine Consultants Singapore Pte. Ltd. and an ‘accredited checker’, an independent engineer, who checks the design and has to approve it. The design will not be build, without approval by this engineer. The discussion exists due to the wide interpretation range of the Singapore Standard. This research is to interpret the Singapore Standard, compare it to available literature and other standards and get to recommendations in regard to the design of piles subjected to negative skin friction.