Quantum control of single spins and single photons in diamond

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This thesis describes a series of experiments on the control of the optical properties of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond, and on control of the electron and nuclear spin states associated with the NV center. The NV center is a fluorescing atomic defect center in diamond, consisting of a substitutional nitrogen atom adjacent to a vacancy in the diamond carbon lattice. The electron spin of the NV center can be initialized and read out optically, and coherently manipulated with high fidelity even at room temperature. This unique combination of properties has attracted much attention to the NV center in recent years for application in quantum information technologies. The experiments in this work focus on exploiting the intrinsic hybrid nature of the NV center. The NV center forms a hybrid spin register, as its electron spin is always coupled to the nuclear spin of its own nitrogen nucleus, and can furthermore be coupled to additional nuclear carbon-13 spins in the diamond. In addition, the electronic spin state can be mapped onto the state of a photon, in principle allowing long range transmission of quantum information and measurement-based entanglement of distant NV center registers. The long-term goal is to achieve a large scale quantum network where the different constituents each perform the task they are most well suited for: the stable nuclear spins store the quantum information, photons transfer quantum information over long distances, and the fast electron spin interfaces between spin and photon states. For measurement-based entanglement of distant NV centers it is of primary importance to maximize the emission and detection of coherent photons emitted by the NV center. Spontaneous emission can be controlled and enhanced by coupling an emitter to a photonic cavity. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of this thesis describe experiments aimed at maximizing the coherent photon emission rate of an NV center by coupling the NV center to a photonic crystal cavity. One of the main challenges is to position a single NV center into the nanometer-sized cavity mode. Chapter 3 describes the development of a nanopositioning technique, which allows diamond nanocrystals ~50 nm in size containing single NV centers to be placed at arbitrary locations on a chip, with nanometer precision. By using a sharp etched tungsten tip, individual nanocrystals can be picked up, moved and placed under real-time imaging with an electron microscope. We explicitly demonstrate that the unique optical and spin properties of the NV center are conserved by the nanopositioning process. In chapter 4, we apply the nanopositioning technique to couple single NV centers contained in a diamond nanocrystals to gallium phosphide photonic crystal cavities. These cavities resonate in the visible with high quality factors, and are designed to have the lowest energy mode coincide with the zero-phonon line of the NV center. Efficient coupling is evidenced by a strong enhancement of NV center emission at the cavity wavelength. The high quality factor of a photonic crystal cavity is a result of careful design and fabrication. The introduction of a nanocrystal may therefore be expected to have a detrimental effect on the optical properties of a cavity. In chapter 5 we investigate the effect of a nanocrystal on the optical properties of photonic crystal cavities. Our simulations and measurements show that the effect of a nanocrystal is in fact only minor, a promising result for future work on cavity-QED systems in the solid state and with diamond defect centers in particular. Understanding and mitigating decoherence is a key challenge for quantum science and technology. The main source of decoherence for solid-state spin systems is the uncontrolled spin bath environment. Chapter 6 describes experiments that exploit quantum control of the NV center and recently developed dynamical decoupling techniques to study the properties of the surrounding bath of spins belonging to single substitutional nitrogen atoms. The coherence properties of a single NV center are affected by changes in the state of the bath spins, allowing a single NV center to be used as a probe to detect bath spin resonances and study the quantum dynamics of the spin bath. We use quantum control of the spin bath to extend the dephasing time of the NV center, important for the application of the NV center in DC magnetometry. In chapter 7 we describe the development and implementation of decoherence protected quantum gates for the hybrid spin register formed by the NV center electron spin that is coupled to the nuclear spin of its own nitrogen atom. Electron and nuclear spins evolve and decohere at vastly different rates, making it challenging to use such a hybrid system as a fully functional quantum register. We create a universal set of two-qubit quantum gates by integrating dynamical decoupling techniques into the gate operation. We demonstrate the power of our gate design by implementing for the first time Grover's quantum search algorithm on a solid-state spin register.