Using Enterprise Ontology as a basis for Requirements for Cross-Organizationally Usable Applications

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Developing cross-organizationally usable applications is becoming increasingly important. However, actually re-using business applications has been hindered in practice often by implicit assumptions about organizational and IT implementation. We propose a method to gather requirements for cross- organizationally usable applications that, taking Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO) as starting point, a) is easy to communicate, b) can discern differences between the organizations, and c) has an attractive Return On Modeling Effort (ROME). When testing this method in a large real-life case study, it also appeared to be possible to a) systematically design the `unhappy' flow as well, b) define application architecture principles for supporting organizational flexibility, and c) systematically design screens based on DEMO models, irrespective of internal or external use. Finally the method greatly objectified the discussions between all stakeholders involved.