Public vs. Private Market Arbitrage

Can Growth REITs Benefit from their High Valuation?

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This paper examines the impact of the ratio of price-to-fundamental value on the stock market performance of real estate securities following seasoned equity offerings and senior debt issuances. Using a global sample of real estate securities, we distinguish between growth stocks, i.e. those with the highest stock prices relative to the private market value of their properties, and value stocks, which tend to trade at substantial discounts to their net asset value (NAV). Consistent with the notion that newly issued equity is ultimately priced similar to pre-SEO levels, we find that growth stocks perform significantly better than value stocks in the 36 months following the SOE. We also examine the long run performance following senior debt issuances and document a substantial outperformance (underperformance) for growth (value) real estate securities in the 36 months following the offering. Overall, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that growth REITs can benefit from “public vs. private market arbitrage”.