Design of a Household Monitoring Solution for Urban Patients with Heart Failure in China

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This assignment can be seen as an integration of IPD and SPD assignment. The original assignment received from Philips is to design a new monitoring solution for the Chinese market. This is too broad for designing a product and as a result, need to be concretized obviously. Researches must be done to the healthcare status of Chinese people in order to define the design direction. The target group and the application environment must be decided after the analysis to the target market as well. Researches to the Life style of the anticipated target group was considered to be vital for this assignment since one main design aim is to improve the life quality of the patients. Designing of a new solution started after most the questions had been answered during the phase of analysis. A household monitoring solution for the urban patients with heart failure (stage III) was designed as the final product. This is a system composed of a garment and a glove which enables the doctors to monitor the development of the disease and the health status of the patients in distance and helps the users to find the boundaries of life with regard to their health condition. It also provides protections to the users with its alarming system which connects the users together with their families and the medical institutions in case of emergency.


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