Smart net

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The whole city Bratislava is blocked by mountains, country boundry and River Danube. The future focus is moving to its new city, Petrazaka. In order to active this area, the canal zone is chosen as design site. It is the central of Petrazaka, linking majrity esstential city sport. Design goal is to use landscape as infrastructure of urban public space to enhance the interaction of Petrzalka by transform the site from mono-function dormitory area to a vital part of Bratislava and creat high-quality living environment. Human interaction is divided into 3 layers: city layer (well circulation of function system); neighbourhood layer (convience for residence); family layer (parents and children can have fun together). After the renovation of canal zone, more recreation spots are built and more frequent people flows bring new opportunaties to undesigned area. It comes to a self growing network gradually.