The Pulsed-Field Multiport Antenna System Reciprocity Relation and Its Applications

A Time-Domain Approach

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A novel time-domain approach to the derivation of the pulsed electromagnetic field multiport antenna system reciprocity theorem is presented. The theorem interrelates the field and system properties in two states: the transmitting state and the receiving state. General time-domain Thevenin (voltage-source, impedance-based) and Norton (electric-current source, admittance-based) type equivalent circuits are constructed for antenna systems whose local properties are described in terms of multiport Kirchhoff circuits. Applications to an indoor wireless communication performance analysis and the analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation measurement are briefly indicated. Numerical results are provided for the pulsed-field transfer between two wire loops, a configuration that is representative for the operation of wireless telecommunication systems and for the pulsed-field EM interference analysis in nano-electronic integrated circuit devices.
